Dreaming Of An Early Retirement…But Not Sure How To Get There?

Let Me Help You Cut Your Timeline To Retirement In Half

…Even If You’re Nowhere Near That “Golden Nest Egg” Of $1,000,000.

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Join Make, Manage, Multiply On This Page, And Discover A Simple, 3-Step Process To Add Rocket Fuel To Your Early Retirement Plan

Let Me Show You The #1 Lever to Pull to Accelerate Your Pathway to Financial Freedom

After working in education for a number of years and making an okay (but not exceptional) salary, I started noticing something.

Many of my peers were earning much more than me for similar – or only slightly higher – positions in their companies.

Sure, maybe the unfortunate reality of the wage disparity for a person of color like me played a role…

But even amongst some of my close peers – Black women in male-dominated industries – I was still much further behind on the earnings scale.

And so I got to work pursuing that big pay bump.

…and Within 6 Months, I Had More Than Doubled My Previous Salary.

Mission accomplished!

And yes, the better sense of financial security that came with that bump was great.

But it also meant one other important thing:

I was able to invest more of my income, without having to make huge sacrifices in my lifestyle.

I could have my cake and eat it too!

Suddenly, my early retirement date felt within reach.

It was like this snowball that I was slowly helping down the hill had finally started to roll without me even having to push it!

It also led to the same questions from many of my friends and family:

"How Did You Do It?"

Because I can understand how impossible it can seem to increase your earnings, especially when the data shows that Black women like me are affected disproportionately by wage gaps…

…and just how unlikely early retirement can feel as a result, when you barely have enough left over each month to put into your savings, let alone to invest!

That’s why I created the program you see on this page.

It’s called Make, Manage, Multiply.

Inside, I’m going to share with you the ultimate pathway to financial freedom through maximizing your earnings and optimizing your investments.

(Even if you don’t have industry connections to rely on, or an MBA-level of investment knowledge).

I created it not just so that I can show you exactly how to maximize your earnings to put the power of momentum on your side…

…but also so that you can use that newfound momentum to make exponential leaps towards your financial freedom, early retirement, and wealth for your future generations.

If you’ve been dreaming of an early retirement, but you’ve always felt disheartened by how far away it seemed…

Then I’d like to help you shortcut that timeline by 5, 10, or even 20 years or more.

To find out how, simply join the program you see below – Make, Manage, Multiply.


Make, Manage, Multipy

The Ultimate Guide to Shortcutting Your Pathway to Early Retirement – Even If You Don't Have Anything Near $1m In The Bank Yet.

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Join Make, Manage, Multiply On This Page, And Discover A Simple, 3-Step Process To Add Rocket Fuel To Your Early Retirement Plan, Whatever Stage Of Your Financial Freedom Journey You’re At.

Just One Payment of $500 Today

(Or See Your "Buy Now, Pay Later" Options Below)

Your purchase is protected by a 365-day money back guarantee, whichever option you choose.

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside of Make, Manage, Multiply:

Step 1: Maximize Your Earnings

The more money you can invest, the more money that your money can make for you. That’s why I always recommend starting with your biggest leverage point: Maximizing your earning potential. This is the key piece that so many financial freedom plans take for granted, so I’d like to give you the insider’s knowledge on getting your money up that I wish I'd known much, much earlier.

My goal here is to help you make more money in less time, while doing what you love. Here, you’ll discover:

How To Get Employers To See The Value Of Your Time and pay you accordingly (even as a Black woman who is often disproportionately affected by large wage gaps to your counterparts)

A Simple Exercise To Determine Whether You Are Being Underpaid for your skills, and what to do to counteract that mismatch

My 15-Minute Checklist you can run through to see exactly what you need to be earning per hour to hit your earning goals – plus a proven plan to help you get there

The C.A.R. Framework to positioning yourself as a highly sought-after, premium talent that employers fight over to hire

The 3 Most Common Resume Mistakes to avoid that keep you from standing out during the hiring process

How To Master The Art Of Marketing Yourself as a top-tier professional, so that you’re not passed up for the next big role or promotion that comes your way

2 Easy Ways To Identify Your Biggest Strengths, and how you can use them to secure positions of higher responsibility, authority, and pay

How To Put All Of This Together To Demand Your Worth to potential employers with confidence and certainty!

…and so much more!

Step 2: Streamline Your Money Management

One of the biggest reasons you might be wondering where your money went at the end of the month is because you don’t have a reliable system in place for tracking where that money goes. And the good news is, you don’t have to spend hours and hours each week keeping an eye on your finances!

Here, I’d like to help you build simple money management systems into your finances that help you build towards your financial freedom without needing to even think about it. Just set these systems up once, and spend 30 minutes per month managing them!

Here, you’ll learn to manage your money with ease using my Smart Money Management System. Discover:

What A 1000-Year Old Tribe From The West African Country Of Ghana can teach us about how to keep more of the money we make…

An Interactive “Financial Health Check” Worksheet that can give you a bird’s eye view of your finances in 30 minutes or less, so you know exactly where your money is going…

The 4 Stages Of The Wealth Journey™, leading all the way up stage 4: Financial Freedom (and how to get to that all-important stage 4 the fastest)...

How Much Of Your Income Should You Save, how much should you invest, and how much can you use for whatever you want? I’ll give you a quick-and-easy guideline to follow…

Why You Don’t Need $1,000,000 In The Bank to achieve financial freedom, and what number you should actually aim for instead (hint: It’s much lower than you might think!)

How To Set Up Your Smart Money Management System with the right bank accounts that make your money work the hardest for you…

Simple Strategies To Keep Control Of Your Spending, even during times where it feels like you’re practically leaking money from unexpected expenses…

…and so much more!

Step 3: Optimize Your Investment Plan

At this stage, you’re ready to start investing into a vehicle that will help you to fund your dream lifestyle, even if you no longer choose to work. This is one of the most exciting parts of your journey!

I’ll show you how to multiply your money on autopilot, every single month, with a simple wealth-building strategy that you can implement whatever your proficiency level is with investing. Learn:

What It Really Takes To Become A Smart Investor (and why an MBA, insider knowledge, or friends on Wall Street are not necessary in the slightest)...

Financial Advisors – Do You Need One? Get my simple answer to this question that may surprise you…

Why Waiting To Start Investing Could Be A Mistake, and a good rule of thumb for deciding when the right moment is to start…

My Simple, 3-Part Approach To Investing that makes it dead simple to maximize the power of your money, even if you’re a complete investing newbie…

The 4 Most Common Mistakes To Avoid When Investing that can cost you $100,000s of dollars in the long run…

The Best Investment Accounts that can help you ensure your money isn’t being eaten away by high fees….

The Key To Optimizing Your 401k and making the most of the “free” money you can get out of it…

…and so much more!

Discover All Of This And More Inside Of Make, Manage, Multiply. Ready To Accelerate Your Pathway To Financial Freedom?

What Others Say About Paris Woods’ Methods:

“I Would Recommend Paris’ Coaching Services To Anyone Who Is Ready To Accelerate Their Progress Toward Financial Goals.”

"As a coach, Paris has helped me reflect, vision, and action plan in a way that has moved me closer to my goals during each session. I love that when any of us present a problem/challenge Paris provides candid feedback and shares her personal and professional experiences and resources for guidance. I would recommend Paris’ coaching services to anyone who is ready to accelerate their progress toward financial goals."

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Maija Ross, Product Management

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Jackie Gold, HR Professional

“I Now Feel Empowered And Held Accountable To My Own Form Of Financial Freedom.”

"Paris pushed me to take ownership of my financial freedom and responsibility in my life. In my marriage, I relied on my partner to manage a lot of the finances, accounts, and credit cards. Coming from our coaching conversations and after reading her book, I was inspired to be more independent and have a better understanding of my investments and financial situation. I created my own investment account and automated financial systems to manage and track my money. I now feel empowered and held accountable to my own form of financial freedom."

“Dr. Woods Has Dedicated Herself To Serving Black Girls With An On-Ramp On The Road Toward Financial Freedom.

"Black women are left often teaching themselves about their finances yet we are running homes and serving in communities where others depend on our knowledge to get unstuck.

Dr Woods knows this all too well and has dedicated herself to serving black girls with an on ramp on the road toward Financial Freedom."

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Brendalyn King, Leadership Coach

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Nanayaa Kumi, International Affairs

“I Now Have The Proper Guidance And Tools In Place To Manifest The Fire Future I’ve Been Working Towards.”

"I now have the proper guidance and tools in place to manifest the FIRE future I’ve been working towards. I highly recommend Dr. Woods’ book and course to anyone willing to invest the time and effort to plan and manifest a dream life of financial freedom."

“I feel like I’m so far behind…can this actually work for me?”

Two of the biggest concerns I hear when I first share this plan with people are:

#1: “I don’t have the industry connections or a fancy degree to secure a higher salary”

And #2: “I know next to nothing about investing – what if I lose all my money?”

Let’s start with #1:

Let me be straight with you for a second:

If you know people who are high up within your industry, if you have a highly-sought-after degree, and if you’re firmly established on the career ladder already, then yes.

This will be easier for you.

…But even if you don’t have those advantages, it’s still possible for you to secure a higher-paying job, a better promotion, or a bigger pay bump.


Because this is simply about leveraging your strengths and positioning yourself head and shoulders above other candidates in front of potential employers.

It’s the same process I used to secure a more than 2x pay bump in my salary, and the same process you’re going to discover in this program.

Now what about that second point – “I know next to nothing about investing – what if I lose all my money?”

And my answer is simple:

Yes, you probably will lose most of your money…if you chase investing strategies that revolve around finding the next Tesla, or betting your life savings on Crypto, or trying your hand at day-trading.

That’s why the investment strategy I’ll show you inside this program is designed to be simple, effective, and completely beginner friendly.

It’s a low-risk strategy – so that you don’t have to rely on pure luck to make your investments work for you.

It’s low-cost – so that your money isn’t eaten away by high fees or commissions from less-than-ethical brokers.

And it’s also low-management – so that you can spend less time checking (and re-checking) your portfolio, and more time enjoying the fruits of your financial freedom.


If you already have certain advantages that put you further ahead from the start, this strategy will help.

…but even if you’re starting a little further back from everyone else, this strategy will help you make the most of what you have.

…So that you can not only catch up to your more privileged peers, but perhaps even outpace them on the journey to financial freedom!

If retirement has long seemed like something that was always a lifetime away…

And you’re excited about the prospect of cutting that timeline in half…

Then join Make, Manage, Multiply today and discover a simple, proven pathway to financial freedom that is accessible whatever your starting point is.

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

My guarantee is simple:

Try the program for 365 days, and if you don’t find any value whatsoever in what I share with you…

Then you can claim a full refund.

All it takes is an email to support@pariswoods.com.

That’s one whole year to see if the program is right for you.

Sound fair?

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Paris Woods

Paris Woods is a first-generation college graduate of Harvard University and a lifelong educator, having worked at some of the country’s top institutions.

The daughter of a wise mother who encouraged her to venture out into the world and make “new mis- takes,” Paris learned the hard way how to manage her finances and achieve financial freedom. Through years of trial and error and the guidance of numerous FIRE (financial independence, retire early) experts, Paris landed on some simple principles that completely turned things around for her financially and in life.

Paris is a two-time graduate of Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and a master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She also holds a doctorate of education from the University of Texas at Austin.



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