Are You Just 5 Steps Away From Being Debt-Free?

Here’s How To Rapidly Pay Off Your Debt Without Having To Give Up Everything You Enjoy!

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Join Debt-Free Diva On This Page, And Discover A Simple, 5-Step Process To Eliminate Debt In A Way That Honors You And Your Values As A Human.

You Shouldn’t Have To Give Up Everything You Enjoy To Become Debt Free.

Most debt elimination advice is as follows:

Sell your car, switch to public transport.

(...even if it means a 2-hour commute to work).

Rent a smaller place that doesn’t cost as much.

(...even if it’s a tiny shoebox 2 hours away from the nearest grocery store.)

Forget going on vacation, or even having date night anymore. You don’t need it.

(...even when work has been stressful and you’re burned out as it is.)

Sound familiar?

Yes, you can pay debt off that way if you want, but it’ll probably cost you your sanity in the process.

The good news is, you don’t have to.

That’s why I'd like to show you a simpler and easier way (that’s a lot more fun too!)

This Same Process Helped Me Eliminate $70,000 Worth Of Debt In Just 24 Months!

…and has so far helped many others who were just like me to do the same.

I call it the DREAM Method, because it’s exactly the system of debt elimination I wish I had when I first started paying off my debts.

(And if I’d have known about it earlier? I would have paid off my debts so much quicker…)

Rather than focusing on cutting out absolutely everything remotely considered to be a “luxury”...

The DREAM Method helps you to pay off your debts in a way that means you don’t have to compromise on your values.

One last thing you might be wondering too:

"But what if I have a mountain of debt?"

This process can still help.

Sure, it might take a little longer.

If you want to go faster, you can start cutting down on “extras” if you like.

But even if you’re saddled with credit card debt, student loans, car loans, and any other debt that’s actively taking money out of your pocket…

Debt-Free Diva will give you a simple, 5-step pathway to crushing your debt with ease.


Debt Free Diva

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Discover The 5-Step DREAM Method to Rapidly Paying Off Your Debt Without Having To Give Up Everything You Enjoy

Just $147

Here’s The Exact Debt-Elimination Method You’re Going To Discover Inside Debt Free Diva:

The DREAM Method

Define Your Destination

It can often feel less stressful to just put up with your debt than actually making an action plan to deal with it. But after mapping out your plan, you might find you’re closer to debt freedom than you thought.

That’s why the first step is to take stock of everything – where you are now, where you want to be, and how long it’ll take to get there.

Refine Your Approach

Myth: Getting out of debt requires enduring constant deprivation from everything you enjoy.

Reality: It’s possible to become debt-free without compromising the values and little luxuries that you hold dear.

That’s why step 2 of our debt freedom plan is all about picking a plan to eliminate debt that is as realistic, rapid, and sustainable as possible.

Evoke Momentum

Now that you’re on the pathway to debt freedom, I’m going to show you a few simple ways you can make your journey easier, smoother, and faster. I’ll even show you my 3 favorite strategies for generating some extra cash FAST, whenever you need it.

Accelerate Strategically

If you want to cut your timeline to debt freedom in half, then these strategies should be your first port of call.

These strategies are totally optional, but will help you shave months (even years) off your debt elimination journey if you lean into them.

Master Your Mindset

One of the most overlooked tools in the pathway to debt freedom is your mindset. It’s what will help you follow through with your debt elimination plan, and what will help to keep you out of debt going forward.

Discover how to maintain motivation when the going gets tough, as well as how to stay grounded when the random urge to splurge comes knocking!

What Others Say About Paris Woods’ Methods:

“I Would Recommend Paris’ Coaching Services To Anyone Who Is Ready To Accelerate Their Progress Toward Financial Goals.”

"As a coach, Paris has helped me reflect, vision, and action plan in a way that has moved me closer to my goals during each session. I love that when any of us present a problem/challenge Paris provides candid feedback and shares her personal and professional experiences and resources for guidance. I would recommend Paris’ coaching services to anyone who is ready to accelerate their progress toward financial goals."

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Maija Ross, Product Management

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Jackie Gold, HR Professional

“I Now Feel Empowered And Held Accountable To My Own Form Of Financial Freedom.”

"Paris pushed me to take ownership of my financial freedom and responsibility in my life. In my marriage, I relied on my partner to manage a lot of the finances, accounts, and credit cards. Coming from our coaching conversations and after reading her book, I was inspired to be more independent and have a better understanding of my investments and financial situation. I created my own investment account and automated financial systems to manage and track my money. I now feel empowered and held accountable to my own form of financial freedom."

“Dr. Woods Has Dedicated Herself To Serving Black Girls With An On-Ramp On The Road Toward Financial Freedom.

"Black women are left often teaching themselves about their finances yet we are running homes and serving in communities where others depend on our knowledge to get unstuck.

Dr Woods knows this all too well and has dedicated herself to serving black girls with an on ramp on the road toward Financial Freedom."

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Brendalyn King, Leadership Coach

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Nanayaa Kumi, International Affairs

“I Now Have The Proper Guidance And Tools In Place To Manifest The Fire Future I’ve Been Working Towards.”

"I now have the proper guidance and tools in place to manifest the FIRE future I’ve been working towards. I highly recommend Dr. Woods’ book and course to anyone willing to invest the time and effort to plan and manifest a dream life of financial freedom."

If This Process is So Easy, What’s The Catch?

What you’re about to discover is the “easier” path to debt, but that doesn’t mean it won’t test you.

If it was easy, who would be in debt, right?

Instead, you’re going to discover a pathway to debt freedom in which you are in the driving seat.

Ultimately, what you’re really doing here is regaining control.

Control over where your money is going.

Control over how fast, or how deliberately you want to eliminate your debt.

And control over the financial future which you may be sacrificing right now because of your debt.

This will still take discipline.

This won’t happen overnight.

And being the one in control means you are the one who is directly responsible for your ability to pay off your debt.

But, if you are able to practice discipline, patience, and a willingness to keep your hands on the steering wheel when things get tough, then there is a very, very good chance that this process will work for you.

If it feels like debt has been a dark cloud hanging over your head for too long now, and you’re ready to banish that cloud for good…

Then join Debt-Free Diva on this page and kickstart your journey to financial freedom.

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

My guarantee is simple:

Try the program for 90 days. Start chipping away at your debt. Take those all important first steps towards debt freedom.

And if at any point during that 90-day period you don’t see the value of what I’ve shared with you…

Then you can claim a full refund.

All it takes is an email to

Sound fair?

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Paris Woods

Paris Woods is a first-generation college graduate of Harvard University and a lifelong educator, having worked at some of the country’s top institutions.

The daughter of a wise mother who encouraged her to venture out into the world and make “new mis- takes,” Paris learned the hard way how to manage her finances and achieve financial freedom. Through years of trial and error and the guidance of numerous FIRE (financial independence, retire early) experts, Paris landed on some simple principles that completely turned things around for her financially and in life.

Paris is a two-time graduate of Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and a master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She also holds a doctorate of education from the University of Texas at Austin.



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